Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Recently, with a few friends we’ve discussed about “Ling Kong Jin” or empty force. One who has mastered empty force is supposed to be able to defend against attacker without any physical contact. Master of empty force uses mind and Chi alone and there is no need to have any physical contact with the attacker. If you search YouTube on empty force or Ling Kong Jin, there are a lot of videos showing masters repelling attackers without touching. Among martial art friends who I’ve spoken to, many are sceptical. However, there are a few who believed. The sceptics argued that thus far there are no convincing prove of such ability exist, and what often been demonstrated by the so-called empty force masters are all on obliging students. None have ever applied, at least not publicly or willing to apply empty force on non-student. Therefore, the sceptic argued at best empty force is merely a psychological suggestive power works only on believing students. The sceptics also pronounced they have not met any empty force masters who can affect them. The believers on the other hand argued they have direct experienced empty force from masters and it is real. They also reasoned empty force masters are very very very rare breed and it cannot be demonstrated on ordinary people because it will cause serious injury. This left us with unanswered question if empty force or Ling Kong Jin is real. Personally, I’ll keep my cup half empty waiting for one find day when it can be filled by a real empty force master.