Thursday, October 11, 2007


Chi kung or qigong can be used to cultivate sexual energy and improve vitality, sexual health, pleasure and eliminates many common men's ailments. Qigong exercise of this nature is best performed with the bladder comfortably empty. This men's sexual qi gong exercise tonifies the male endocrine system, increasing overall vitality, sensuousness, centeredness, and turns uncomfortable bottled-up sexual desire into relaxed, enjoyable sensuality.

Here is how you do it; sit comfortably, either cross legged or on the edge of a chair and make sure you are not in a drafty or cold area. Relax yourself and settle the mind. Spend time loosening-up all the tensions in your body starting from head all the way down to the toes. Imaging the tensions and stiffness in your body as a block of ice melting away. When your breathing starting to slow down and deepen, your chi or qi will naturally sink to dantian (an area located 3 inches below naval). This stage normally takes 5-10 minutes to attain after your quiet down your mind and relaxed your body. Your dantian will feel inflated, tingling or warm. This is the sign of the presence of chi.

You then visualize chi as energy. When breath-in imaging this energy circulate to a point called mingmen. Mingmen is located directly opposite dantian at the back of your body. When breath-out, imaging the energy flows to huiyin acupoint located right between anal and the reproduction organ. Do not force the breathing and the energy flow. Breath naturally, let your breathing settle naturally and deeply, and let the energy flow slowly and smoothly but abundantly. Start with 7 circulations and work your way up to 49 circulations.

Once you are comfortable with this exercise of circulating the energy between mingmen and huiyin acupoints. Visualise the energy also flows through the penis before completing a full circulation to huiyin acupoint. In short, when breath-in, energy flows from dantian to mingmen. When breath-out, energy flows from mingmen to penis and then to huiyin completing a circle. Do this 7times. Do it naturally and do not force. In 2 weeks to 1 month you will have abundant of sexual energy.

You will even feel more energized after intercourse.

1 comment:

Pu Erh Lover said...

Dear Hiucf,

I was given to comprehend that Taiqichuan and Qigung is 2 different martial arts discipline and that the understudy of one would counter negative effects on the other and that one cannot and must not practice both together as they consist of different techniques.

Personally, Taichiquan in the morning @ Lakefields would be fabulous and that Qigung understudy would be convenience as it can be practice anywhere that has a tranquil and peaceful environment.

There are classes for Qigung by an association which I cant name in Chinese @ the office near Tasik Permaisuri which is going to start classes in the near future. Comtemplating in joining the classes or should I wait for your expertise in this area...?

In further enhancement of the qi and also blood circulation after Qigung, the enjoyment of an enlightening cup of tea would be out of this heavenly world and experience especially with the right company.

In fantasy now of the environment of this coming venture and enhancement of the joy and preservation of life and health.

A cup of tea and the elixir of Qigung and/or Taichi empower something extremely unique.
