Sunday, July 24, 2011


Many people understand double weight in Tai Chi as distributing of equal weight on both feet. This is only partially correct. Double weight is more than that. The opposite of double weight is double float. I have explained in detail both of these deficiencies in my book - How To Master Tai Chi Chuan's Internal Skills. Suffice to say double weight is too much Yang and double float is too much Yin. We commit double weight fault only when we oppose force vs force. 50-50 weight distribution on feet is in itself OK. It is wrong only when we use 50-50 stance to withstand an oncoming force. Why? Because when the outside force lands on your body, according to Tai Chi principle you should neutralize it by playing with substantial and insubstantial, Yin Yang concept. When opponent is hard, you are soft and vice versa. Similarly when force lands on your body, that part of the body must empty out and become Yin. And corresponding to that, your Zhong Ding (vertical center) shift as well, this must be supported by distribution of weight in your feet. You cannot neutralize effectively with a 50-50 stance, in this stance you will inevitably fight force vs force to stay balance. Double weight also applies to hand, body and anypart that comes in contact with outside force, including Yi (mind). Double weight in another word is opposing force vs force.

Now that you know what is double weight is not opposing, double float is the opposite, i.e. using too much softness until you lost your body or stance structure and easily defeated. Bu Diu Bu Ding (not losing and not opposing) is precisely refering to these two deficiencies. Tai Chi is about Yin Yang interplay and inter exchange. Within Yin must have Yang and within Yang must have Yin.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Recently, with a few friends we’ve discussed about “Ling Kong Jin” or empty force. One who has mastered empty force is supposed to be able to defend against attacker without any physical contact. Master of empty force uses mind and Chi alone and there is no need to have any physical contact with the attacker. If you search YouTube on empty force or Ling Kong Jin, there are a lot of videos showing masters repelling attackers without touching. Among martial art friends who I’ve spoken to, many are sceptical. However, there are a few who believed. The sceptics argued that thus far there are no convincing prove of such ability exist, and what often been demonstrated by the so-called empty force masters are all on obliging students. None have ever applied, at least not publicly or willing to apply empty force on non-student. Therefore, the sceptic argued at best empty force is merely a psychological suggestive power works only on believing students. The sceptics also pronounced they have not met any empty force masters who can affect them. The believers on the other hand argued they have direct experienced empty force from masters and it is real. They also reasoned empty force masters are very very very rare breed and it cannot be demonstrated on ordinary people because it will cause serious injury. This left us with unanswered question if empty force or Ling Kong Jin is real. Personally, I’ll keep my cup half empty waiting for one find day when it can be filled by a real empty force master.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ten Essentials of Tai Chi Chuan Explained eBook

Grandmaster Yang Cheng Fu (grandson of Yang Tai Chi Chuan's founder-Yang Lu Chan the invincible) written 10 guides to the correct practice of Tai Chi Chuan popularly known as 10 Essentials of Tai Chi Chuan. These guides are very important. They form and provide a framework within which Tai Chi Chuan should be practiced. In order to attain high level of proficiency in Tai Chi Chuan, one must internalize these 10 guides into the art. Failing which, one will not be able to breakthrough into the internal elements of Tai Chi Chuan.

As the original version of 10 Essentials of Tai Chi Chuan was written in abstract Chinese and not easily understood, Master Hiu feels the need to provide this important information in plain layman's language so that all fellow Tai Chi Chuan practitioners can understand. "10 Essentials of Tai Chi Chuan - Explained" is en ebook which will be sent to you directly through your email when purchased.
You may order by clicking the below payment button, at Facebook fanpage - Tai Chi Secret Movements or


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